Displaying 1391 - 1400 of 1427

Wooden & Steel Ship Repair

Slipway services, from 1-150 tons 75' on the keel blocks, 120+ LOA - 20' Beam - 14. draft Shipwright services - traditional boat repair Mast and Spar, repair and construction Saw mill and heavy timber supply Steel work and fabrication Dry dock - up to 250' (75M) length x 40' (12M) wide - 1000 tons Shot blasting Protective coating application Coded welders All aspects of boat repair and maintenance covered Competitive pricing on all services.

Association of North East Councils

The aim of the Association of North East Councils is to represent the interests of local authorities and the communities they serve in the North East. In speaking for local government in the North East, we are a collective voice and a stronger voice. The Association has access to a wide range of local, regional, national and European policy makers. We carry out lobbying and policy work on behalf of local government. Local government

East of England Local Government Assocation

It concentrates its work in areas where, by working together, we can add value for our member councils and it will speak up for the people and communities we represent, ensuring that local government has an effective voice in its dealings with GO-EAST, EEDA, Westminster, Whitehall and other organisations. We exist to champion local authorities and to work on behalf of their communities. Local government

East Midlands Councils

East Midlands Councils is a consultative forum for local government in the East Midlands. It represents the interest of local councils to national government and other organisations and enables local councils to work together on strategic issues. Local government

South West Councils

South West Councils and the Strategic Leaders' Board brings together the 41 local authorities in the region to: - Provide a voice for constituent local authorities on major issues affecting the South West - Influence Government policy as it affects the region - Encourage partnership working between local authorities and other organisations and agencies in the South West on policy issues where a broader regional approach is required. Local government

Welsh Local Government Assocation

The WLGA’s primary purposes are to promote better local government and its reputation and to support authorities in the development of policies and priorities which will improve public services and democracy. Local government

West Midlands Leaders Board

The West Midlands Leaders Board (WMLB) is the decision making body for local government in the West Midlands. It brings together all 33 councils in the West Midlands and the Board includes all the council leaders. It represents the broad range of local government interests. This means both promoting and supporting its member authorities as democratic bodies providing public services, as well as influencing policies which affect the ‘economic, social and environmental well being’ of their communities. Local government

Simon Winter Marine Limited

Simon Winter Marine was founded in 2006 as a specialist marine hull & liability insurance broker. As well as providing insurance services to yacht owners worldwide we also arrange insurances for charter yachts, commercial vessels and Museum/Heritage craft fleets and companies engaged in marine related activities. Classic yacht and traditional boat insurance specialists.