starboard side

Archived, built 1929 by Perkins, R J & Sons, Whitstable

City of Adelaide - Photo Comp 2012 entry

Archived, built 1864 by Pile & Hay, William, Sunderland

Clarion of Wight

Archived, built 1963 by Clare Lallow, Boatbuilders, Cowes

Comrages at sea

Archived, built 1958 by Watt & Sons, John, Banff

Danum - at Tournus, Burgundy

Archived, built 1932 by Dunston, Richard, Thorne


Archived, built 1929 by Silver, James A Ltd, Rosneath

DEODAR sailing in Brixham

Archived, built 1911 by Jackman, R & Sons, Brixham

Dorothea - underway

Archived, built 1932 by Lavers Boatyard, Dartmouth

DOROTHY moored at Brest in 1996. Port side.

Archived, built 1904 by Reynolds, Henry, Lowestoft