Previous names
- 1958 Mitzi (only name she ever had)
MITZI was one of the last boats commissioned from Bjarne Aas for the by then c.20-strong Cowes fleet in 1958 by Air Vice Marshall John Grandy, and owned by him until 1961, probably during a period when he was more UK based than in the 1950s, and would be through the 1960s en route to becoming Marshall of the Royal Air Force, Sir John Grandy, one or the leaders in the management of the Cold War. In 1961 her ownership at Cowes passed to UK-based Dane, Hans Heyman. Under the ownership of Harry Holmes, in 1969 MITZI became the second boat to move north to the Royal Forth Yacht Club at Granton near Edinburgh where the UK fleet became established through the 1970s and into the early 1980s, afterwards splitting between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde and eventually strongest on the Clyde, culminating in the World Championships at Royal Northern & Clyde YC in 1990 and 1998.
Under the ownership of Harry Holmes, in 1969 MITZI became the second boat to move north to the Royal Forth Yacht Club at Granton near Edinburgh where the UK fleet became established through the 1970s and into the early 1980s, afterwards splitting between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde and eventually strongest on the Clyde, culminating in the World Championships at Royal Northern & Clyde YC in 1990 and 1998. MITZI participated in all six Scottish-based IOD Worlds between 1975 and 1998. She was a west coast boat from 1987, still owned by Harry Holmes with Charles Connor and K. Maclintosh, followed by Campbell McAuley from 1994. Thereafter she was owned by UK resident Roger Dicker and raced in St Mawes Cornwall and then purchased by me in 2021.
The UK IOD fleet began on England's east coast just before the Second World War at the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Burnham-on-Crouch, and when the RCYC opened a "southern" clubhouse at Cowes in 1948 the class regrouped and flourished there through the 1950s and 60s.
Key dates
Boat commissioned from Bjarne Aas for the by then c.20-strong Cowes fleet
Owned by Air Vice Marshall John Grandy, and owned by him until 1961
Under the ownership of Harry Holmes, in 1969 -
Participated in Worlds at Royal Forth YC: 1975, 1979 &1984
Participated in Worlds Royal Northern & Clyde YC: 1990 & 1998
Owned by Campbell McAuley
Owned by Roger Dicker and raced in St Mawes Cornwall
New owner
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