About the Woodbridge Riverside Trust (WRT)
The WRT is a nonprofit community organisation that welcomes you to the 'Longshed', their unique maritime heritage initiative, breathing new life into the heart of the Woodbridge waterfront.
The once derelict site of the old Whisstocks Boatyard has been transformed; in April 2018 the WRT took on the lease of the Longshed. Over £90,000 raised from grants and individual donations, together with hundreds of hours of time contributed by volunteers, has transformed the 'shell' building into a well-equipped workshop with a large mezzanine gallery for activities and events.
The WRT wants to secure real, long-term benefits through opportunities to find out about our outstanding maritime heritage and riverside environment, through learning, training, developing skills and, most of all, enjoyment.
Aims of the charity:
— Make the Woodbridge Waterfront an attractive and interesting place to be;
— Provide opportunities for people of all ages to gain understanding of the maritime significance of Woodbridge and to acquire and use relevant practical, historical, environmental, archaeological and scientific skills;
— Build connections between Woodbridge, Sutton Hoo, and other parts of the UK and beyond based on common heritage and maritime links.
Heritage Learning
Partnerships with local tertiary education colleges offer the opportunity for traineeships and short courses in engineering, arboreal studies, woodworking and environmental studies, for students of all ages.
WRT's mission, and the Longshed's purpose, is to keep in touch with our maritime heritage, so courses can relate to heritage boat building, restoration and maintenance in the widest sense.
Whisstocks aims to become recognised as a unique educational centre, for local people of all ages, for visitors to Suffolk, and as a cog in an academic wheel. It will offer opportunities to open new horizons through practical and intellectual understanding of heritage, and develop knowledge and skills that are valued throughout life.
Proposals for the Quay
The Longshed is linked via the open public space, known as Whisstocks Place, to the waterfront. Whisstocks Place is owned and managed by Woodbridge Town Council. It is open to public access at all times, and by arrangement with the Town Council, for the organisation of events of all kinds as set out in the site covenants.
The intention of the Woodbridge Town Council is to lease the quayside and slip, to be managed together with the town quay (alongside the Tide Mill). In addition, it is dedicated to keeping the waterfront quayside in character with its maritime heritage. The aim is to encourage the use of the quay by traditional boats to retain the heritage look of quayside.
The slipway has been renovated by the developer. It is owned by the Crown Estates and will be leased to Woodbridge Town Council.
Years ago, a rowed ferry connected the quayside with the foreshore on the Sutton Hoo side of the river, which ran from Whisstocks to the Sutton shore. Ideas to start up a new cross river ferry in cooperation with private operators are under discussion.
Other ideas are also under discussion, including links with local pleasure trip operators, and the organisers of barge ad other traditional craft charters.
Creating a Heritage Hub
Woodbridge Museum is working with the WRT to create a heritage hub, uniting the Longshed, the Tide Mill, the public space and waterfront, with the Heritage Building, the new home of the Museum.
In keeping with its new location, the Museum intends to create a new series of displays describing the town's Anglo-Saxon origins and its growth as a market, port and shipbuilding centre.
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