Sea-Change Sailing Trust logo


About the Trust


The Sea-Change Sailing Trust provides residential opportunities for young people and vulnerable adults to learn and develop in a unique environment. By living and working together aboard a traditional sailing vessel they participate in a wide range of life skills and are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their contribution and group decisions.


The Sea-Change Sailing Trust offers a graduated set of programmes from entry level tasters to extended residential periods with accreditation. The charity is a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Training and Sailability Foundation centre, and Duke of Edinburgh Award Approved Activity Centre.



The vessels


Blue Mermaid


The Sea-Change Sailing Trust has recently launched its own vessel Blue Mermaid, a replica of an original steel barge of the same name. She is an engineless Thames sailing barge with the ability to carry cargo within the lower Thames Estuary. Built for group sails, she maintains the traditional rigging and decking of a sea-going Thames barge to preserve traditional seamanship skills.



Sailing programme


The Sea-Change Sailing Trust offers sailing experiences around the coastal waters of the Thames Estuary, usually from its base in Maldon, Essex.





January 2024 The Sea-Change Sailing Trust has been awarded funding from the Active Thames Fund Full story


December 2023 The Sea-Change Sailing Trust has partnered with National Historic Ships UK to launch a new introductory Traditional Seafarer course. Full story


December 2023 The Sea-Change Sailing Trust has been awarded Lottery funding to take Blue Mermaid on tour to ten ports between Lowestoft and Ramsgate, opening the barge to members of the public in each port and screening the film ‘Wind, Tide & Oar’ in the hold of the barge.  The aim of the project is to introduce more people to Thames sailing barges and inform people about their heritage and the work they do today. Full story



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