About the Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative (CDPI)


Dock skyline


The Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative (CDPI) is a non-profit research, networking and advocacy social enterprise concerned with the protection and promotion of maritime heritage along the River and Firth of Clyde. The mission of CDPI is to ensure that historic dock sites and other maritime artefacts on the Clyde are preserved and used sustainably in ways that benefit local communities and the maritime economy of the region, both through direct activity and efforts to positively influence others with the necessary resources.


Their core strategic aim is to create an understanding of maritime heritage as being not just history and museusms, but more importantly also about contemporary and evolving culture, activity and technology.





At one time a fifth of all ships afloat in the world were built and launched on Scotland’s River Clyde. “Clyde-built” was a world-renowned mark of engineering skill and elite craftsmanship. Glasgow was (and in many peoples’ hearts and minds still is) synonymous with shipbuilding.


Now there is little trace left of the industries that shaped the river and the City of Glasgow. While other maritime regions and rivers have seen positive transformation after the loss of industry, The Clyde has become a mere shadow of its former glory. What we see is a lack of joined-up thinking along the Clyde and between its local authority areas to develop the full potential of the River and Firth of Clyde for culture, recreation, tourism and new industry.


CDPI want to help turn that around and promote the potential of the Clyde as a hub of diverse vibrant activity fit for the 21st Century!





Clyde.Scot logo


Their flagship branded project Clyde.Scot was launched in 2020 and involves developing a digital platform that will aim to connect everything happening along the River and Firth of Clyde that is related to the maritime environment and activity.


Its launch plans, which included workshops and stakeholder engagement activity, were delayed and significantly affected by the Covid-19 crisis. In response to this crisis CDPI have shifted their thinking around the project to address online engagement and the development of digital resources that will benefit Clyde stakeholders and users. Clyde.Scot is now being developed as the core platform for these digital resources and engagement.


Find out more here.



Latest News


April 2023 - CPDI launches new Govan Waterfront & Docks walk, exploring the maritime history of the river and its modern regeneration. Full story



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