Become a Sailing Volunteer with Seas Your Future

Seas Your Future owns and operates the tall ships Pelican of London and Fridtjof Nansen primarily as sail training vessels for young people.  We provide sailing experience and an alternative form of learning for all young people, encouraging equality, inclusiveness, and passion, through adventure and challenge.  Our programmes promote personal growth through Sail Training, Maritime Career options and offer hands-on Ocean Science and environmental conservation activities.  The charity’s office is at Sharpness Shipyard and Drydock in Gloucestershire.

Sailing volunteers are taken on a basis of aptitude, enthusiasm and skill they demonstrate to the professional crew on board.  We would always recommend coming and sailing as a trainee. If that's not possible, volunteering as an AVC (Additional Volunteer Crew) during maintenance periods and short delivery voyages will give you the opportunity of working on a tall ship and seeing if it suits you.  This opens a pathway to becoming recommended by our Permanent Crew and invited back as an AVC, Deckhand or a Watch Leader.


- This role is for individuals interested in becoming a Deckhand/Watch Leader but have not yet sailed with us, or don’t have enough experience, allowing Professional Crew for assessment and recommendations.
- AVC roles may include Day working or Watchkeeping, based on individual interests and voyage requirements.
- AVCs interested in watch keeping may be termed "Assistant Watch Leader" or "AVC Watchkeeper" and will shadow a Watch Leader.
- Those aspiring to be Deckhands may use the term "AVC Deck," indicating the need for additional training and supervision.
- This category also includes Assistant Engineers/Volunteers interested in learning more about engineering, termed "AVC Eng."


- This role may be given to those showing potential to be Watch Leaders, needing more experience aloft before supervising in Sail Training Evolutions, or to those already deemed competent as Watch Leaders.
- Must have received a Professional Crew Recommendation on a previous voyage.
- Deemed competent aloft to a level not requiring direct instruction for general sail.
- New or returning Deckhands should join aim to join the vessel at least 24 hours before trainees for appropriate training and assessment.


- Primary responsibilities include ensuring their Trainees adhere to the ships’ routine, ensuring timely trainee attendance for watch duties, monitoring trainees on the Helm, and assisting with Trainee Supervision Aloft. They may also be required to assist the permanent crew in mustering trainees in emergency situations.
- Must have received a Professional Crew Recommendation on a previous voyage.
- Deemed competent aloft to a level allowing assistance in aloft supervision and sail handling.
- New or returning Watch Leaders should join the vessel at least 24 hours before trainees for appropriate training and assessment.


- This person shall be a qualified Officer of the Watch (OOW) with a valid certificate recognised by the UK MCA. The minimum requirement is Master <200t/OOW <500t.
- They may or may not be an experienced square-rig sailor. 
- This role requires CoC STCW’s and ENG1 certification. It is ideal for officers wishing to gain more sea time, train up towards 2nd Mate on board or learn about square rig and Sail Training. It may also be suitable for qualified Sail Training staff to gain experience on a larger vessel.

Please fill in the Volunteer application form at this link.

Job type Voluntary Remuneration Voluntary Job zone Heart of England Contact email