
Are you involved with the restoration and preservation of historic boats & ships? If so, I’d welcome the opportunity to explore the creation of a high quality photographic record of your work. Ideally candid, timeless, working portraits that will highlight the skills/processes involved in your craft and provide a high quality visual record for future generations.

Skills and achievements

Northwich School of Art and Manchester Polytechnic provided my early training. I as apprenticed as a litho retoucher and process photographer, a craft trade that’s almost entirely lost now to digitisation. My background is mostly in the reprographics industry and I’m a member of Royal Photographic Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. I work mainly in black & white and with a medium format Hasselblad system.

Why historic boats & ships?

From the age of 14 my grandfather worked on the ships docking at Liverpool during WW1. His accounts of his time spent working on the docks peaked my early interest in heritage boats. My hope is that any resulting photographs could be used to help promote your project.


These were shot at Charlestown and Looe. Whilst these are general shots, the aim is to create a photographic record focused in upon the numerous processes involved in traditional boat building and restoration.


Email in the first instance:

Martin Dewhurst 1

Martin Dewhurst 2

Martin Dewhurst 3

Martin Dewhurst 4

Martin Dewhurst 5

Martin Dewhurst 6

Contact Name Martin Dewhurst Company Address

Martin Dewhurst T/A Project Services
Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Email Website Skills Photographers Region North