Jobs in Maritime is an online job posting and matching service for jobseekers and employers focused 100% on land and sea jobs within the maritime sector. A unique maritime job-site allied to the National Maritime Training Centre, North West Kent College, Job Centre plus and the National Maritime Development Group to ensure that recruitment remains at the centre of the maritime delivery strategy and the site has access to jobseekers and maritime employers.

The Jobs In Maritime job-site has been developed by working in partnership with the highly successful recruitment team at the Learning Shop at Bluewater, part of North West Kent College, which is used as a frame of reference by the National Skills Academy for Retail. Our staff help to develop professional business recruitment solutions for those employers seeking to deliver long term recruitment programmes using Jobs In Maritime as a portal of access and activity.

Contact Name Sezen Zeki Company Address

Portside St Margaret's a Cliffe
United Kingdom

Telephone +44 2035 885175 Email Website Region South East