
Ian Friel is a maritime historian with an international reputation. He has worked at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich and the Mary Rose Trust, and ran local museums at Littlehampton and Chichester in West Sussex. He is familiar with the sources for British maritime history from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Ian has worked extensively with maritime archaeologists and is an Expert Advisor for Historic England.

Ian is the author of three books, The Good Ship (1995), The British Museum Maritime History of Britain and Ireland 400-2001 (2003) and Henry V’s Navy (2015), as well as many papers and articles. He has a particular interest in researching shipwrecks, and has undertaken investigations into medieval, 17th-century and 20th-century wrecks in collaboration with archaeologists.

Contact Name Dr Ian Friel Company Address

22 West hampnett Road
West Sussex
PO19 7HW
United Kingdom

Telephone (01243) 839970 07815 19 679 Email mail@ianfriel.co.uk Website http://www.ianfriel.co.uk Skills Researchers People Consultants Region South East