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Chat Noir Productions is a one-stop video production company. Design creativity is in our DNA. We are flexible and adaptable. The creative flourishes most companies will charge you the earth for, come as standard. Shooting exclusively on broadcast quality HD, Chat Noir provides Creative Video Solutions for companies and organisations around the UK.

Our multi-award winning crew can produce anything from an introductory web video for a small local business, to a broadcast commercial for a multi-national company. We can script an idea, take it through filming and editing, add computer animation, motion graphics, and original music and deliver it in the formats you need. All this is within your reach, without breaking your budget. Chat Noir has proven track record producing videos for maritime clients.

In October 2012 we completed a film for National Historic Ships UK detailing the "Keeping History Afloat" training project at the National Waterways Museum Ellesmere Port.

The company has also produced two films for Hoylake Lifeboat Museum.

Chat Noir Productions offers:

• Scripting
• HD Filming - documentary and interview
• Time-lapse camera installation
• Editing and post-production
• Original Music.


Contact Name Daniel Fox Company Address

1 Greenfields Croft
Little Neston
CH64 0TZ
United Kingdom

Telephone 0151 336 8963 Email Website Skills Photographers Region North