Registration number 3786
Status Registered


Function Passenger Vessel
Subfunction Launch
Location Christchurch
Vessel type Ferry
Current use Commercial Activity
Available to hire Yes
Available for excursions Yes


Builder Elkins, Christchurch
Built in 1930
Hull material Wood
Number of decks 1
Number of masts 1
Propulsion Motor
Number of engines 1
Primary engine type Petrol
Boiler type None
Boilermaker None


Breadth: Beam
8.75 feet (2.67m)
Air Draft
1.25 feet (0.38m)
Length: Overall
36.00 feet (10.97m)
Tonnage: Gross


HEADLAND QUEEN is one of five open launch passenger ferries known as the HEADLAND FLEET - along with BELLE, PRINCESS, PAL and MAID - designed by Eric French of Poole, Dorset, and built by E F Elkins of Christchurch Harbour, Dorset, between 1930 and 1935, with QUEEN being the second of the five to be built and known as the Flagship of the HEADLANDS. They were commissioned individually by owner operators to replace a fleet of smaller craft that operated as a cooperative under the name of The United Motor Boat Services – QUEEN was specifically ordered by E Stride.


Measuring 36ft long and 8ft 9in in the beam, the HEADLANDS incorporated a new design technique known as hard chine construction which facilitated a wide beam to length ratio and permitted a high degree of stability, combined with minimal draft due to a flat bottom. They were licensed to carry 50 passengers and 2 crew in three compartments separated by oak thwarts. Built of Oregon Pine on Oak frames and ribs, the HEADLANDS feature an unloaded draft of just 10 inches which increased to just 15 inches when fully loaded. The deadweight was 5½ tonnes. The craft featured Teak for the internal panelling and seats.


Traditional propulsion was chosen with an engine mounted amidships and a shaft coupling the motor to a propeller, most of which was housed in a tunnel built into the craft in the aft section, with its top well above normal external water line. The size of the tunnel meant that only a very small part of the propeller extended below the bottom of the craft. As such a very primitive and early form of water jet evolved which saw water sucked up into the vacuum where the tunnel was above the water line, and then expelled out past a long-balanced rudder. It is the shape of this tunnel that gives the HEADLANDS their distinctive wash and unusual attitude in the water, typified by a tilt downward to the bow as speed builds and the stern climbs to ride the water as the water is forced out of the tunnel.


HEADLAND QUEEN features a more streamlined and lower freeboard in the stern section. Originally, she was powered by four-cylinder Kelvin Ricardo petrol/paraffin motors of some 15hp which were very quiet in operation. This lasted into the late 1950s, when she was refitted with a Perkins motor. After this, a BMC diesel motor was fitted in the 1970s, which lasted until 2007 when a similar sized Ford diesel motor was fitted. Currently the fleet is powered by BETA low emission units.


During the Second World War, QUEEN was requisitioned by the Royal Navy and sent to operate harbour patrols in Chichester Harbour, as the HEADLANDS were found to be unsuitable for use at sea due to their propulsion method. After the War, QUEEN was repurchased by The United Motor Boat Services and was back in service in 1946. However, her varnished hulls could not be restored as the copious amounts of Admiralty grey paint had leached into the pine topsides applied over the pre-War varnish; the QUEEN sailed for two seasons with white topsides before adopting a French blue livery.


She remained in the service of The United Motor Boat Services, even as business dwindled and ownership changed. In 1995, the final owner operators, J and R Elliott and R Stride, sold the company and its fleet to her current owners, who renamed the business Bournemouth Boating Services Ltd. They went about revitalising the operations, firstly by acquiring and rebuilding the Cafeteria at Tuckton Tea Gardens as an integral part of the boating activities, and later with converting HEADLAND QUEEN with the addition of a fixed stern cabin in 2006, which proved successful in attracting more trade. Moreover, the fixed masts were altered so they could be lowered, permitting the craft to sail upstream under Tuckton Bridge.


Currently, HEADLAND QUEEN sails with her sisters out of Tuckton daily from Easter until the end of October. Normally, two craft are in service operating a 45-minute departure frequency calling at Wick Ferry, for the Captains Club Hotel Complex and Christchurch Quay before sailing down the Harbour to Mudeford Beach. They are also frequently out on private charter and Evening Bar-b-Cue cruises in conjunction with the Tuckton Tea Gardens.

Key dates

  • 1934

    Built by E F Elkins of Christchurch Harbour, Dorset, for E Stride, member of The United Motor Boat Services

  • 1946

    Returned to The United Motor Boat Services from the Admiralty after having been requisitioned and used on the Chichester Harbour

  • 1995

    Sold to current owners along with The United Motor Boat Services and its fleet, which was renamed Bournemouth Boating Services Ltd

  • 2006

    Addition of a fixed stern cabin

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