Registration number 2877
Status Registered


Function Passenger Vessel
Subfunction Launch
Location Unknown
Archive reason More information required
Current use Unknown
Available to hire No
Available for excursions No
Info required Yes


Builder Andrews of Maidenhead
Built in 1902
Hull material Wood
Rig None
Number of decks 1
Boiler type None
Boilermaker None


Length: Overall
45.00 feet (13.72m)
Breadth: Beam
7.00 feet (2.13m)
3.00 feet (0.91m)


THE ANGLER is a  Gentleman’s River Launch.  At the end of the 19th Century, battery powered boats became popular on the Thames due to their freedom from noise, dirt and smoke and their ease of operation.  Prominent among the builders of such boats was ‘Andrews of Maidenhead’ who built a fleet of electric launches each named after a Thames fish and the fleet flagship being named The Angler. 

Constructed of teak with oak ribs The Angler is 45’ long and 7.0 ft wide and is a beautifully sleek and elegant boat.

She was probably built in 1902, as in 1903 she was licensed to carry 39 passengers.  ‘The Angler’ was the preferred Thames tripping boat for the royal family and is featured on the front cover of Edward Hawthorne’s book ‘Electric Boating on the Thames 1889 to 1914’ with King Edward and Princess Alexandra sitting in the bow. 

Andrews converted their electric boats to petrol at various times and retained The Angler as a hire boat until 1938 when she was sold to Golding Bros of Windsor who operated her as a tripping boat licensed to carry 32 passengers.

In 1940, The Angler was ordered to Southend, together with other tripping boats, to prepare for the Dunkirk Evacuation. Travelling overnight she reached Southend, but by the time she arrived the emergency was over and she was allowed to return to Windsor. 

Golding Bros operated The Angler until 1969 and since then she has been in private hands and is now partly restored, retaining her original teak planking but with a new keelson and new oak ribs.

The Angler is arguably the most important historic Thames launch in existence and the owner is currently looking to sell her to an individual or trust that has both the motivation and resources to complete the restoration.

We are lacking information on this particular vessel. If you have any information on this vessel past or present, please contact us.

Key dates

  • 1902

    Built by Andrews of Maidenhead

  • 1940

    Ordered to Southend to prepare for the Dunkirk evacuation

  • 1940/1969

    Operated as a trip boat on the Thames, since then in private hands

  • 2015

    Up for sale at Windsor

Own this vessel?

If you are the owner of this vessel and would like to provide more details or updated information, please contact