Registration number 2779
Status Registered


Function Cargo Vessel
Subfunction Narrow Boat
Location Shropshire Union Canal
Vessel type Joey
Current use Private use
Available to hire Yes
Available for excursions No
Info required Yes


Builder Hickman, Alfred, Bilston
Built in 1892
Hull material Iron
Rig None
Number of decks 2
Propulsion Motor
Number of engines 1
Primary engine type Diesel
Boiler type None
Boilermaker None


Length: Overall
70.00 feet (21.34m)
Breadth: Beam
7.00 feet (2.13m)


RALEIGH  was built by Alfred Hickman in 1892 and is believed to have been used to carry for the Raleigh Foundry, hence her name.

It has been suggested that she's the only iron joey boat with such a large proportion of original riveted iron work still in existence. Her plates clearly demonstrate how she was mended and maintained over her working life.

RALEIGH's hull is the original riveted iron and maintains its original riveted iron baseplate, complete with the holes where boxmasts would have been fixed. Her current owners are currently doing some sensitive maintenance to the hull and intend to replace the current rudder with a wooden ellum.

We are lacking information about this particular vessel. If you have any information on this vessel either past or present, please contact us.

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