PETREL is a narrow boat of iron plate construction with a Lister HR2 diesel engine. She was built in 1914 by Fellows Morton & Clayton at Saltley Dock, Birmingham. She remained in the FMC fleet nationalisation, then transferred to D&IWE south eastern fleet. Her Bolinder engine was removed and an Armstrong Merganser fitted by them in the 1950s. PETREL was hired in the 1960s from British Waterways by Willow Wren but never actually used by them for carrying. She was reposessed by British Waterways and sold to Union Canal Carriers and re engined by them in the 1970s. Sold from UCC into private ownership in 1981, she was owned by the same family until 2024, when sold to present owner. She is maintained in carrying condition.
Key dates
- 1914 Built by Fellows Morton & Clayton
- 1950s Original Bolinder engine removed and Armstrong Merganser engine fitted
- 1960s Hired from British Waterways by Willow Wren
- 1960s Repossessed by British Waterways and sold to Union Canal Carriers
- 1970s Re-engined with Lister HR2 diesel engine
Sold into private ownership - owned by same owners from 1981-2024.
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