Registration number 2234
Status Registered


Function Fishing Vessel
Location Ullapool
Vessel type Loch Fyne Skiff
Current use Private use
Available to hire No
Available for excursions No


Builder Munro, A, Ardrishaig
Built in 1911
Rig Lug
Number of decks 1
Number of masts 1
Propulsion Motor
Number of engines 1
Primary engine type Diesel
Boiler type None
Boilermaker None


Breadth: Beam
11.51 feet (3.51m)
Length: Overall
37.48 feet (11.43m)


Built in 1911 for Roderick Gordon of Kishorn, Wester Ross, CLAN GORDON fished mainly for herring in the Minches and at some time was fitted with an engine. In the 1950s, she moved to Gairloch (UL 240) and later worked for the Northern Lighthouse Board as a tender to the Rona lighthouse. She was converted to a yacht on the East Coast of Scotland in the 1960s. She was later restored to almost original appearance in Edinburgh during the 1990s by Pip Hills and was sold to James and Gordon MacGregor in 2003. Some planking and re-nailing was carried out at that time in Arbroath. She is one of the few Loch Fyne skiffs still afloat with her original lug sail rig. CLAN GORDON was sailed back to Wester Ross about 2005 and kept in Loch Broom. There she was damaged by collision and sinking but was salvaged and is again under repair and restoration.

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