Registration number 2108
Status Registered


Function Passenger Vessel
Subfunction Excursion
Location Windermere
Vessel type Saloon Launch
Current use Commercial Activity
Available to hire Yes
Available for excursions Yes


Builder Borwick & Co, Windermere
Built in 1950
Hull material Wood
Rig None
Number of decks 1
Propulsion Motor
Number of engines 1
Primary engine type Inboard diesel
Boiler type None
Boilermaker None


Breadth: Beam
9.18 feet (2.80m)
4.92 feet (1.50m)
Length: Overall
44.92 feet (13.70m)


Built in 1950 by Borwicks of Windermere, SUNFLOWER II is an excursion passenger launch of wooden construction with a Tempest diesel engine. She operates on Lake Windermere and is in good condition, being lifted out of the water each November for maintenance work.

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