Registration number 1378
Status Archived

Previous names

  • 1927 - 1950 Celtic


Function Fishing Vessel
Subfunction Drifter
Location NONE
Vessel type Lugger - Fifie
Archive reason Disposed
Current use None
Available to hire No
Available for excursions No
Info required Yes


Builder Miller, James N & Son Ltd, St Monans
Built in 1926
Hull material Wood
Rig Gaff - Other
Number of decks 1
Number of masts 2
Propulsion Motor
Number of engines 1
Primary engine type Diesel
Boiler type None
Boilermaker None


Breadth: Beam
14.00 feet (4.27m)
6.00 feet (1.83m)
Length: Overall
48.98 feet (14.94m)
Tonnage: Gross


BRUCE's was a unique, unmodified motor Fifie, built by J N Miller at St Monans and launched 26 December 1926.  She began life as a herring drifter and long liner.  In 1950, she went over to purse seiner and general fishing.  She was owned by the family of 'Bruce's of Arbroath' and was eventually sold in 1980.

Around 1990, she sank but was later raised in 1993.  Re-nailed between 1994-5, she was converted to a live-aboard but kept as original as possible.

BRUCE's was registered with National Historic Ships UK in 1992 and was a vessel on the National Historic Fleet.  She was subsequently reported to have been broken up in January 2020.

This craft is a previously registered historic vessel which no longer survives.  At the time of its loss, the vessel details were entered on the National Archive of Historic Vessels. However, NHS-UK holds insufficient data to fully complete this record.  If you are aware of any information, images, sources or other material relating to this vessel, please contact us on

Key dates

  • 1926 Built in St Monans and named CELTIC
  • 1926-1950 Worked as a herring drifter and long liner
  • 1950 Used as a purse seiner for general fishing and re-named BRUCE’S
  • 1980 Sold for private use
  • 1990 Vessel sunk
  • 1993 Vessel raised and salvaged
  • 1995 Planks re-nailed
  • 1996 Bought by present owner and converted to a houseboat
  • 1997 Engine replaced
  • 1998 Steering gear renewed
  • 2005 New owner
  • January 2020

    Vessel reported broken up - as yet unconfirmed.


  • April 2012

    A Sustainability Grant of £1,500 towards the costs of work on the hull was made from the Strategic Development Fund of National Historic Ships

  • 2007

    A Sustainability Grant of £750 to cover the costs of lifting her out of the water, prior to work being done, was made from the Strategic Development Fund of National Historic Ships

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If you are the owner of this vessel and would like to provide more details or updated information, please contact

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