About Sail Boat Project

*In November 2022 Sail Boat Project announced the closure of the project and released the below official statement:

'It is with regret that the directors have to advise that, due to financial circumstances, Sail Boat Project CIC has ceased to trade.
The directors are seeking professional advice and anticipate that Insolvency Practitioners will be appointed to handle the company’s affairs in due course.'

Further information can be accessed here: Sail Boat Project - Sail Boat Project 

Registered as a Community Interest Company (CIC) in 2009, the Sail Boat Project provides a range of learning activities based around sailing.  Their aim is to widen access to the sea, offer sail training onboard and navigation training on land to increase confidence and a sense of well-being in marginalised coastal communities.

They build relationships with individuals and organisations who are, or who work with marginalised people, helping them to get the most out of the activities and opportunities they provide to:

* build confidence and challenge
* develop employability skills
* work collectively
* improve decision-making skills
* work towards nationally-recognised qualifications.

Sail Boat Project - a workers' co-operative established in 2009
Sail Boat Project - a workers' co-operative established in 2009

As part of their commitment to widening access, they raise funds to be able to offer training bursaries to people on very low incomes, or from marginalised communities through their Community Sailing Fund.

The Sail Boat Project are an RYA accredited Sailing School and operate their RYA Training Centre from Itchenor Reach in Chichester Harbour, as well as other activities along the south coast.  In 2015 they became a RYA Sailability organisation.  Find out more about the Sail Boat Project's RYA courses here.

The Sail Boat Project sees sailing as a tool to improve life skills, knowledge and attitudes.  They offer a flexible approach, tailored to fit with your project’s existing outcomes.  They work hard to meet different learning needs and they are continually developing our resources for use with the whole range of people who come out on the water with them.

They have a board of Directors made up of staff, skippers and volunteers to steer their work and actively encourage participation from anyone involved in Sail Boat Project.
Sail Boat Project - community supported shipping!

Sail Cargo - Sail Boat Project

Sail Cargo in a nutshell: extra virgin olive oil produced by the Reigado family and Azeite Caixeiro in Portugal, found by oliver sommeliers 'Passeite', brokered by New Dawn Traders, shipped to Newhaven by the Blue Schooner Company via the French Isle of Noirmoutier to collect Fleur de Sel, and sailed to Newhaven for collection onboard, or delivery to your door in Brighton and Hove by Zedify cycle couriers.

To make all this happen, Sail Boat Project set up their Sail Cargo branch; a partnership to look at establishing sail cargo routes using our own sail training vessels for potential cross channel routes, as well as other boats working longer passages.  They are part of a wider network called the Sail Cargo Alliance, which brings together sail cargo vessels, growers and brokers.

  • All surplus from our Sail Cargo work goes to the Community Sailing Fund, established to help people from community groups in Sussex access their sailing activities
  • They pay producers a fair price up front, around 50-65% of the prices you pay goes direct to them, with accountability in our pricing outlined with each product
  • Importing high quality products that don’t grow on our islands, they are developing solutions that are small, simple and local.  They are looking towards a future where they know we need to use less energy
  • By working towards zero emission transport they are taking practical steps in the face of climate chaos with an informed sense of urgency
  • Community supported shipping helps us keep control of food supply chains and expands the skills base of all those involved.

Community Sailing Fund - The Sea, For All

Sail Boat Project - Community Sailing Fund
Sail Boat Project - Community Sailing Fund

The Community Sailing Fund was established to help people from community groups in Sussex access the sea and sailing activities.  They do their best to attract grant funding to subsidise their activities, but they rely on donations as well.

In 2018 they worked with 61 participants from 9 groups from across Sussex.  You can view their Impact Report to find out more about the work and hear from participants in their own words.

Community sails offer the chance to:

  • Work as a group onboard our training vessels Karic and Jalapeno
  • See the Sussex coast, from a new perspective
  • Learn about the marine environment and how to look after it
  • Learn teamwork, new skills and gain confidence.

Each session is led by a commercial endorsed qualified Skipper, assisted by one of their volunteer First Mates.  Click here for further details.

Read more about the Sail Boat Project on their website here
Latest News

May 2021 The Sail Boat Project is partnering with the Blue Spirit Laury Gratiet Fund to offer sailing bursaries to young people with mental health issues  

May 2021 A new Newhaven-Dieppe route is being trialed in June 2021. Gallant will also return to Newhaven in July 2021, with a cargo of Portuguese olive oil.

February 2021 Free webinar programme launched with new resources being produced. 

June 2020 - Sail cargo vessel Gallant is due to return to Newhaven in September 2020, transporting their fifth sail-powered delivery to Sussex.  

March 2020 - keep your sailing dream alive with the Sail Boat Project online theory courses
In these challenging times on-the-water activities have been suspended in the short term.  With possibly having some extra time on your hands at home, the Sail Boat Project continues to operate their three RYA online navigational theory courses. 

They are offering them at reduced prices to our Sail Boat community at this time so that when you are able to return to the water, you'll be ready to put your learning into practice.

RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship
Was £110 Now £90 
16 hours of study

RYA Day Skipper Theory
Was £300 Now £250 
40 hours of study plus two assessment papers.

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory
Was £300 Now £250 
40 hours of study plus three assessment papers.

Each course comes with a pack of paper training charts based on our Chichester Harbour, so a great primer for the practical courses.  You will also receive a course book, training almanac, plotters and dividers* (*dividers not included in RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory pack).

The online aspect of the courses involves animations and test yourself questions.  They also offer phone and email support from our Principal Jacquie and Chief Instructor Dhara, both currently working 'from home' on boats in Brighton marina and Portugal, so they have plenty of time to support your learning!

Like many individuals and businesses, they are keen to continue offering something to you all in the immediate weeks ahead if you have some extra time available.  Info and sign up here

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