The Scottish Fisheries Museum is a national museum which tells the story of the Scottish fishing industry, its boats, harbours and communities. As a Shipshape Scotland Hub, the museum offers a range of activities and services available to local historic vessel owners, skilled craftsmen, businesses, heritage organisations, training bodies and maritime enthusiasts.
The museum has a large collection of vessels, three of which are listed as part of the National Historic Fleet: Reaper, a restored Fifie sailing herring drifter; Research, the sole surviving large zulu, a first class herring drifter; and ring net boat Lively Hope. Other vessels within the collection are included on the National Small Boat Register.
Find out more about the Scottish Fisheries Museum and the conservation of their extensive vessel collection.
What is a Shipshape Network Hub
NHS-UK have partnered with maritime heritage organisations across the UK to act as Shipshape Network Hubs for their region. Hubs are ambassadors that aim to bring businesses and individual vessel projects together. Hubs carry out Network-related projects, supports the sector and helps attract funds, giving advice to Network members.
Download our Hub leaflet for more information.
Hub Services and Activities
Sharing knowledge and expertise – offering advice and guidance to anyone undertaking conservation projects or funding applications
Creating connections – working with organisations across Scotland and the wider Network
Hosting workshops - conservation, boat building, volunteering and training workshops for local projects, companies and vessel owners
Network events - fostering links across the region
Representing Shipshape Scotland – championing Scotland's maritime heritage at local and national events
Attracting investment - working with local partners to sustain our maritime heritage
Get in touch
Contact your Hub to find out more about their activities and services.
Email your enquiry to the Scottish Fisheries Museum: Contact form.
Visit their website:
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