Climate change is the greatest current threat to the long-term survival of maritime heritage.  The world is facing a crisis and the UK government has committed to reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.  National Historic Ships UK recognizes the need to take collective action now to help achieve this target, safeguarding historic vessels and their supporting infrastructure against the changing conditions ahead.

We have researched the potential impact of climate change on our sector and looked at the part maritime heritage can play in mitigating the threat.  Our Climate Change Report (below) gives an overview and sets out the key actions which heritage custodians should consider taking at this stage, so as to mitigate against and adapt to the likely effects.

As an organization, NHS-UK commits to maintaining a watching brief on behalf of the sector into the latest climate change predictions and the ways in which these could impact craft on the National Register of Historic Vessels.  We will continue to share these findings with our stakeholders to ensure we are all informed about the role we can play to combat climate change.

Whilst every historic vessel custodian - from private owners, to charities, museums and commercial operators - can help tackle this crisis, we recognize that some issues are too complex for the individual and require action at a national or international level.  NHS-UK will represent the interests of historic vessels in related advocacy work to ensure our voice is heard and maritime specific issues are raised.

National Historic Ships UK is a member of the Climate Heritage Network

Download our Climate Change Report Vols 1 & 2 below:

Climate change & maritime heritage volume 1   Climate change volume 2

Download the Appendix and Bibliography here:

Climate chane appendix   Climate change bibliography