After two and a half years at Number One Slipway, the yard of W. Stirling and Son, Vigilance once again took to the water on Tuesday 18th March 2025. 

Amazing work has been undertaken by Stirling’s since Vigilance left Brixham in October 2022. She was in a sorry state, flexed and leaked very alarmingly, and was in serious danger of being lost forever.  Now, she has a hull and deck even better than when she was new. 

She left the slipway just after 7.30am, and underwent sea trials to and beyond the Plymouth Breakwater, before being motored to Mayflower Marina.  She will be monitored there for the next week or two to ensure all is well before coming home to Brixham.

Her return to the water was an emotional moment for all present, not least the skilled craftsmen and apprentices who have worked on her for virtually 30 months.  They were delighted to have the opportunity to be aboard for the start of the sea trials.  Needless to say we are enormously appreciative of the care and attention lavished on Vigilance by the whole team.

When back in Brixham, we will step the masts, rig the sails, and fit out below before beginning training sails.  If you would like to be involved we do of course need volunteers – check our Facebook page for details of skills we seek, or email

Source/ Photo: Vigilance of Brixham Facebook page

Image Vigilance of Brixham sea trials
Zone South West