Wednesday 29 May 2024 was a very special day for HQS Wellington.  It was her 90th anniversary since her launch in Devonport by the Honourable Lady Dorothy Fullerton on Wednesday 29 May 1934.

The Wellington Trust held a short commemorative ceremony on board to mark the occasion. We were honoured to have present Brigadier Jim Bliss, Defence Adviser and Head of New Zealand Defence London, Commander Roly Woods RN from Northwood and Petty Officer Richard Melia from the London Nautical School with five cadets from the school. Also in attendance was Mrs Cindy Sheerhan – her great aunt Marion Cooper was rescued by HMS Wellington on 1 October 1940 after the Royal Mail liner Highland Patriot fell victim to a torpedo attack.

Wellington Trust employees, Ambassadors and Trustees were also present, with Trustee and historian Professor Dominic Tweddle, and Wellington Trust Chairman Alastair Chapman leading the commemorative ceremony by officially launching the Wellington@90 fundraising campaign.

In keeping Wellington’s heritage alive for the future, and launching the fundraising campaign, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Wellington Trust, Alastair Chapman, said:

“That we are here today, ninety years after HMS Wellington slipped down the shipway in Devonport Dockyard, Plymouth, is no accident. And this is very much a cause for celebration.

I dedicate this day to the memory of all these mariners who were lost, those who were injured and mentally scarred, and to the memory of all who served in HMS Wellington and in every vessel in that six-year-long Atlantic campaign, to preserve the freedoms which we enjoy to this day.

In celebration, we are officially launching our Wellington@90 fundraising appeal. Quite simply, without additional monetary support, Wellington's planned bright future is at risk.

I appeal to anyone who is in a position to do so, to help and support our Wellington@90 fundraising efforts. All contributions of any size will be in memory of those who died during this campaign so that future generations can learn about their sacrifice."

The Trust are also fully open to potential donations, sponsorship or partnership arrangement discussion that will help secure Wellington's future.

All donations will help us realise our plans to conserve, maintain and extend this wonderful ship to a wider public. Even today, Wellington is seen by many as they walk or sail past her. We want all these people to visit us and to learn more about the ship.”

All funds raised will both support Wellington’s conservation and preservation and develop a new business plan to make her more accessible to the public as a visitor attraction.

You can donate by either:

1. Contribution to our GoFundMe campaign:

2. Visit our website:




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