The Small Grants Scheme is now CLOSED for new applications. 


Please take time to read the revised pages before you apply.  For sustainability grants, applicants are required to read and understand the relevant chapters of Conserving Historic Vessels (you do not need to purchase the manual - a free online flow chart is provided) and identify the appropriate conservation process they would adopt.

For application deadlines please view our Terms and Conditions.

You can save your application form as you go by clicking on the 'Save draft' button found at the bottom of this page. An email showing the details you have provided to us will be sent to you once your application has been submitted.

The information you provide when you apply for a grant is kept on our electronic records system or in locked paper files and is only accessible to authorised staff.  If successful, when making a claim, your bank details will be supplied to the Finance Department for processing and the record of them will then be destroyed.  Details of your grant will be held alongside vessel data in perpetuity for archival purposes.