Whitstable Harbour & Boat Show returns! 

The day will be packed with a full programme of activities, on and off the water, from 10.30am to 4.30pm, plus an evening concert in the Harbour. Prior to Covid, the Show attracted over 10,000 visitors from London, the South-East, and Northern Europe. 

Heritage vessels arriving by sea are offered a free berth and race in the Swale. We are now extending this offer to include a free site and a secure overnight compound for builders of small wooden craft using traditional and/or modern techniques. We shall be displaying our own restoration project - the 1906 44ft Whitstable Oyster Yawl Gamecock - and are particularly interested in working with boat-builders and sail-makers willing to display some of the skills, tools and materials they employ, as well as retailing completed craft. 

Part of the promotional activity will be mailing and publishing stories of exhibitors and activities both before and after the Show, and there is an aspiration to make this a bi-annual event.  

Please contact gordonjohnvincent@gmail.com Mob: 07852 266006. Leader: 2025 Show Planning Team

Zone South East